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Save Game Tutorial Setting Up Files


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Files required for Save Game Setup  *Note A 32bit OS must be used with this save system*

You will need to download this file first:. DOWNLOAD: UltimateSavegame Tutorial. When you have finished downloading The UltimateSavegame Tutorial, unzip the folder and extract the files from it somewhere so you can access them during this tutorial. The download should have 7 files within it. They are; UltimateSaveSystem.exp, UltimateSaveSystem.dll, UltimateSaveSystem.lib, UltimateSaveSystem.pdb UltimateSaveSystem.u,  a Folder called UltimateSaveSystem which contains nine ".uc files." a Folder called Maps with two ".upk files."

Completed projects packed with Frontend and installed that used the ultimate save system work on x32 and x64 Operating Systems such as Windows 7 and 8. The only issue is that the UDK3 editor needs to be installed on a x32bit system.

In the folder UserCode there is a text file that says: "DO_NOT_DELETE.TXT"



Locate your UDK installation. The default directory is  C:\ UDK.  Your directory may be different depending on where you installed UDK on your PC.

Locate this directory and open the folder "Usercode":


There is a text file here called "DO_NOT_DELETE.TXT"


Cut or copy these four files from the file you downloaded and unzipped earlier and paste into the folder called "UserCode.".

  • UltimateSaveSystem.exp (1)

  • UltimateSaveSystem.dll (3)

  • UltimateSaveSystem.lib (4)

  • UltimateSaveSystem.pdb (2)

This folder is finished.


Locate this directory and open the folder "Src":


Cut or copy the UltimateSaveSystem folder from the file you unzipped.

Paste it into the "Src" folder/directory.

This file is used to make a script. This is finished now but it will not work until we show UDK where this script is located.


Locate this directory and open the file: DefaultEngine


Double click the file "DefaultEngine" to open it. Notepad or any text editor is sufficient for this.

Scroll down until you find the title: [UnrealEd.EditorEngine] or click "edit" in the text editor and under "find" type in or copy and paste this text: [UnrealEd.EditorEngine] and press enter.

Once located, type or copy and paste this line:


(example left.)

Click save in your text editor, then exit.


(I am not 100% sure if this is a necessary step but I do want you to know that scripts end up "complied" in this folder. )


Locate this directory:


If you have any errors with Windows XP or Windows 7 (32bit) you may have to add the Ultimatesavesystem.u file script for it to work. In most cases it should work without it.

*Note* Windows 7 or 8 (64bit) systems do not work with UDK3 editor and the ultimatesave system. So if you have a project and want to build a game using this system it must be 32bit. Though, once the project is completed in 32bit and packed with Frontend, the save system works on all types of Operating systems flawlessly. (x64 and x32.)

*Note* The red text in the image above, "No errors means it worked" is text I added to the image so you won't see this after compiling.


Because we finished modifying  and added files in our UDK installation it "should" tell you the "Scripts are outdated. Would you like to rebuild now?" Click "Yes"

It will check the scripts for any errors. Be patient

If there is no error it will say:

success - 0 error (s), 0 warning (s)

If there is an error, (orange, yellow, red text) try going back to step one and start again. If you still are having errors e-mail me and I can try to see what it is. Be aware if you have added other files outside of this tutorial I cannot help you.

*Note*  If you have Windows 7 or 8 (64bit) you will get an error message. This save system is for 32bit Operating Systems only. You can read more about this here.

Close this box by pressing  x  in the far right top corner when it is finished because it does not close automatically. Re-launch/restart UDK and it should load UDK without any messages.

If everything worked, we are nearly there!

<Click here for the next step>




  All software packages created was used by the power of the Unreal Development Kit.

  In game loading screens created by using BINK VIDEO.


Comments on this site to: feedback@worldofdasm.com

Date Modified: 09/07/2017

© World of DASM, and the DASM series, created by Shane Hillier


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