Welcome to the world of DASM! For students who want to learn!


Importing your own menu images.


Button Text



Your own images

In this tutorial we will import images from scratch. We are going to build images for the the menu left below. You can even use your own images if you wish. I make my images .png files just in case I need some transparency in my menus. Before we can go any further, download the file below to continue.

DOWNLOAD:: MenuImages.Zip (254kb)


(2048x2048)  (2048x1024) (2048x512) (2048x256) (2048x128)

(1024x1024) (1024x512) (1024x256) (1024x128) (1024x64)

(512x512) (512x256) (512x128) (512x64) (512x32)...... etc.

If the image size in pixels is not within these parameters it will not import correctly.


In this tutorial I have supplied you with the files so we can get you started now.

Inside the folder MenuImages.Zip extract the files somewhere on your pc. (I use my desktop sometimes.). there should be 3 files called:

  • Dustmenudemo.png

  • Pressetostart.png

  • Pressetokey.png

The file Dustmenudemo.png is for a non moving window picture.

The file Pressetostart.png is the "PRESS E TO START" image.

The file Pressetokey.png is the "PRESS L TO LOAD "and "PRESS TO EXIT" image.

*First, remember where you extracted the 3 files.

Start UDK.

Open Kismet.



Locate the "Import" button on the bottom Left of the Kismet window.

Click the button "Import"

A new window named Import will open and this will allow you to locate the files you wish to import.

Locate the directory where you unzipped the 3 files in Step one.

 Press and hold the left CTRL key on your keyboard and left mouse button click all 3 files to select them.

Select "OPEN"


Under the name "Package" we are going to call it "Dustmainmenu"

Under "Name", leave it alone unless you want to change the name of the file within UDK.

Now click "OK to All" just so you don't have to click "OK" 3 times.



You should now have a window in your UDK Content Browser showing your 3 images you imported. (Image left)

We have nearly finished creating a .upk file called "Dustmainmenu.upk" but we need to save it.

In the UDK editor main screen, click "file" and click "Save Modified."

A window will open up named "Save Packages"

Just click "Save Selected" and that's it. Next time you open the UDK editor the files will there.


In the next tutorial if you continue after this one the .upk file you created will conflict with it. (Dustmainmenu.upk)

Just copy over it with the file that you will download during the next tutorial.

<Click here for the next step>



  All software packages created was used by the power of the Unreal Development Kit.

  In game loading screens created by using BINK VIDEO.


Comments on this site to: feedback@worldofdasm.com

Date Modified: 04/01/2016

© World of DASM, and the DASM series, created by Shane Hillier


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